Galactic Traveler (Ninety Two Degrees) Official

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Our planet is changing rapidly and never more around the powerful energetic flow state of the Summer Solstice energy right now. Its where we are all given the opportunity to explore our inner world and of course new worlds and so with courage we don our crystal space armor and head off into the great unknown as a new Galactic traveler exploring the empty skies above us and filling it with new hope, new beliefs and a more expanded heart intelligence. To change our stars and give us a fresh new outlook on the way we perceive our divine projection in this next chapter of life.Using the AI generating engine to channel images that have a positive frequency and vibration as opposed to what it was designed for which was to continue to solidify the mind control and brain numbing exercise to keep the younger generation docile and compliant. The link below will take the viewer to the James Webb Telescope images of how the pillars of creation in the universe are presented today. Frightening to say the least. You be the judge?

P & C 2022 7th Sense Productions
all rights reserved worldwide in perpetuity

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