About us

About Exposed Vocals: A Journey Through Sound

Welcome to Exposed Vocals, a testament to the transformative power of independent voices in the world of music. What began as a modest website showcasing local unsigned artists has evolved into one of the most renowned platforms in the underground music scene.

Our Humble Beginnings:

Founded in 2008, Exposed Vocals emerged as a refuge for independent artists seeking a platform to be heard. Our journey started in the local, celebrating the raw talent that often went unnoticed. Little did we know, this initial spark would ignite a resilient flame that would withstand the tests of time.

Facing Adversity:

In 2015, a brutal cyber attack attempted to silence the very voices we championed. Over 345,000 user videos were wiped out—an unanticipated blow to the heart of Exposed Vocals. Yet, adversity became a catalyst for change. Within a year, we emerged from the shadows, rebuilt, reimagined, and more determined than ever.

A Commitment to Ethos:

Our comeback was not just a resurgence; it was a commitment to the ethos that fueled our inception. We stood shoulder to shoulder with struggling and unsigned artists, amplifying their voices against the odds. Exposed Vocals underwent a metamorphosis, with fresh leadership, a sleek interface, and a renewed focus on music reviews, interviews, and featured placements.

An Ecosystem of Resilience:

Exposed Vocals has become more than a platform; it’s an ecosystem of resilience. We understand the struggles artists face, having navigated our own challenges. This understanding fuels our commitment to providing a haven for those who dare to dream, irrespective of the obstacles.

A Beacon for Independent Voices:

Today, Exposed Vocals stands tall as the beacon for independent voices. Whether you’re an artist yearning for exposure or a music enthusiast seeking the raw, unfiltered essence of underground talent, you’ve found your home.

Join the Movement:

Become a part of a community that transcends the mainstream. Upload your music videos, submit your tracks, and let your story unfold. Exposed Vocals is not just a platform; it’s a testament to the power of resilience, unity, and the unyielding spirit of the underground.

Let your voice be heard. Let the exposure begin.