Music Review – Certainly – Free Forever
Free Forever opens with a really hypnotic riff, it swims around you in a way, and every sound and instrumental melody that follows kind of fits with this same style of flow. The trip-kick sounding beat throughout is a real high point behind the vocals and the music, it has that military sort of stutter to it, but it’s not rhythmically complacent – it sounds great, I love how it rolls out and around you as the song moves forward. The chorus is fairly captivating as well, a simple melody and lyric, lightly dipped in reverb so it fits with that free flowing vibe already set by the rest of the music.
I actually feel like the song ended a little too soon, everything seems to happen quite fast, and it’s genuinely a relaxing experience to hear the music – and to try to catch every lyric spit by the lead vocal in the verse. This single verse is in fact expressed so quickly that it’s difficult to pick up every word. You catch the curses, for sure, and it’s an impressive flow of lines – it leads really smoothly to that chorus, that hook, so everything kind of floats where it should within the track.
It’s a pretty intriguing track, not confined to the classic rules of hip hop, beat wise, and the general production style, it stands out quite considerably as it’s own thing. The whole structure is actually pretty unique as well, that single verse, as mentioned earlier, a really unusual way to put together a piece of music. It’s great, a really admirable way to write, sounding fantastic – starting and finishing with that dreamlike hook. Music that is itself free forever, cleverly constructed to specifically suit the concept of the song. Perhaps an unintentional touch, but effective nonetheless, definitely something to run with; the kind of thing that turns musicians into artists.