Heavy AmericA – Motor Honey (Peace)
Heavy AmericA’s “Motor Honey (Peace)” explodes with a fiery passion. Done with the utmost of intensity they recall the best of classic and arena rock. With a timeless flair they show off a great deal of muscularity with their powerful, no-holds-barred sound. Only a three piece, they manage to muster up a force of nature quality behind their infectious grooves. Right in the very heart of it are those fantastic vocals that seem to effortlessly tie the whole thing together. Volume is an absolute must for these songs must be felt as much as heard. By refusing to never let up they create a virtual wall of sound.
Not a moment is wasted for Heavy AmericA dives headfirst into the crazed chaotic world. Going for an approach that at times recalls Van Halen’s intense guitar riffs, the whole of the piece constantly builds and builds. The song goes for a truly gargantuan approach one that has a vivid quality to it. Colors filter into the entirety of the mix for the groove becomes all-consuming. Full of this tremendous energy their lyrics have a playful quality. With such a careful balance they ensure that the driving rhythm merges flawlessly with the urgently delivered vocals. For the final stretch of the piece they completely let loose in a way that feels fully earned.
“Motor Honey (Peace)” shows off Heavy AmericA’s deft skill in creating something that truly possesses a sense of grandeur.