“a fairly raw and organic kind of sound” Johnny Dynamyt with ‘Kroon Tunes’
There are a lot of good vibes in the opening track alongside a fairly raw and organic kind of sound. The intermittent snippets of jazz, the saxophone, the piano chords, driven into the mix by this lightly energetic drum line makes for a really interesting few minutes of music. The vocal parts bring the raw and organic element forwards even further, in some ways reminiscent of a live performance, a smoky jazz club evening of in-the-moment music, plus the hook or chorus section of the song is brilliant – really memorable, a little bit of the hopeful and the melancholy combined, it stands out well.
There’s also a lot of feeling, a lot of emotion and passion can be heard in those vocal performances, and when fused into the mix it has a lasting effect. There actually appears to be a lot going on in this mix, and the closer you listen, or the more frequently you return to press play, the more you notice. There’s a strong sense of character in the experimentation with instruments, sounds, samples and voices. Also the choir-like effect of all the voices combined works really well in the context of this sound scape. It all makes for an unusual output of music and expression, and it’s great to be unusual, to keep things fresh and still sounding great.
The music feels both minimal and big somehow, you can pick out everything that makes it good, but it’s all of these things working together that makes it even better. This is exactly what you learn to know and love as the artist’s sound. Creatively free and playful, with just enough style and structure to make it really hit hard. There is always a feeling of soul in there, the passion and the love and the melody, yet there are hints of musicality from a number of influential genres.
By Rebecca Cullen
Rebecca is a Musician and writer from Manchester, UK, with an MA in Song Writing.