Coo Coo for Cou Cou Colors!
Tatyanna and her father Michael started collaborating ttogether, when she was just a young girl. They have formed a father-daughter duo to help heal others, through music. They perform for several different causes and charity events. They won the Akademia award for best singer-songwriter song, Cou Cou Colors,” in November of 2014. A jack of all trades, she is no stranger to the camera. Some of her many credits include: Singer and Actress in the musical “Now That’s Entertainment, singing solos including: “Matchmaker,” “Nothing” and “Mama, I’m a Big Girl Now,” as well as several other productions including, “Shivering Santa,” “Love Loss and What I Wore,” “Les Miserables,” Thomaston Opera House, Naugatuck Valley Community College Lighting, Props, Stage Design, “The Second Time Around,” “Almost Maine,” which has been given a FIVE STAR rating, and her picture was featured in the Republican American, as well as Voices newspaper. Disney’s “College Road Trip” (starring Raven Symone & Martin Lawrence) “The Heat,” (starring Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy,) Productions Assistant on Indie Film; “Brilliant Mistakes,” Cancer Patient in short silent film, “High Watch,” Nerissa Williams, TCGT Entertainment, Indie Film, “Delinquent,” and the supporting role of Valentina, in Indie film Sunset Ridge Hooligans, which recently welcomed actor Laurence Fishburne’s son, Langston Fishburne, to the cast! A model, she has recently shot with well-renowned photographer, Ron Compton, (, modeled in the music video, “Get Right,” with rapper Jay Daze, directed by Instagram: @directorgambino, modeled for Loving Curves Collective Fashion Exhibition at Bryant Park Hotel, NYC, as well as modeled for the popular clothing store, Dress Barn Fashion Show. She has spent time working and living in France, as well as visiting Italy and England. While in Europe, surrounded by a variety of music, and a different culture, helped her song-writing soar to new heights. The song Cou Cou Colors, was inspired by her time abroad. “Nothing makes my father and I happier than music, and bringing smiles to others.” ~Tatyanna