Cold As Ice by Rowdy T. North London Music Review
Rowdy T North London is a CEO, a Recording Artist, and an outstanding Producer, born in North London, Tottenham England, currently living in Miami, Florida. He has Jamaican heritage which accounts for his unique English accent. Rowdy T studied Sound Engineering and Production at Canal College of North London. ‘Cold As Ice’ is definetly not by any means anything like the version of ‘Cold As Ice’ by the 1970’s early rock band Foreigner. On the ‘Feels Like The First Time’ album with Atlantic Records. As a matter of fact, Rowdy T. actually put a lot more ice to it…literally!
Moreover, he has mad skills and enjoys showing off ‘his tight lyrical delivery with raw energy’. “I love when people underestimate my intelligence.” This is one talented artist that is in the business for the long haul. Recording and releasing music and video from several years he has grown to become the artist that he has aspired to be and continues to reinvent himself.
The tempo in the original “Cold As Ice” is sped up giving a new platform and a creative take making it his own.Ultimately allowing the artist to ‘spit’ the lyrics out as quickly as possible without getting tongue tied. This is the objective, and it is played out precisely well. The music video for Cold As Ice by Rowdy T takes you to some of London’s Key Monuments and tourist sites on various locations throughout the city, which coincidentally gets cold. That’s not only when it has to do with the weather either. Nevertheless, the weather hasn’t interfered with city life in London as there is a ‘cold’ history as well. “Let’s show them how cold I am…” an English accent is apparent and gives the track a certain spice. “Let me go pour a li’el more ice in my cup. Throughout the track Rowdy T displays and shares his skill with wordplay and metaphors, by putting everything that has to do with the cold in the song, such as glaciers, ice bergs and igloos. What is more factual is the mention of his life ” … very few have ‘seen the things that he has’.. seen and has given him the motivation he has and also has brought him to this exact place and time.
Overall, the track has a cool take on 70s rock and has turned what was an old fad into a triumphant message. Especially how cold his lyrics and rhymes are. From the affects of the cold on the body, to the coldness of life in general. “…cold as the wind blows…” are all summed up here and are articulated well. A slight rock sound with twist of hip hop.
By Linda Dawkins