Brian Ross’s “Broken Wing” possesses a laid-back and gentle demeanor
Brian Ross – Broken Wing
Bright and highly colorful, Brian Ross’s “Broken Wing” possesses a laid-back and gentle demeanor. Over the course of the piece, Brian Ross brings together folk, classic rock, and a slight nod to jazz. In many ways, the airy spirit recalls early the Sea and Cake records, done with the greatest of grace and style. Easily the highlight comes from Brian Ross’s assured vocals that waft above it all. Never overdoing anything, the entire journey retains an intimacy of sorts one that builds with such patience. Layer upon layer of sound is applied with an impressionist, painterly ethos.
Tender guitar tones introduce the track. Little elements of drums are brushed into the mix, at first working on an emotional, then a rhythmic fashion. When the true groove is set the song retains a sort of pastoral quality, one the recalls the pleasure a sunset can bring. By allowing for this to evolve with such a gorgeous emphasis on buildup, the whole piece feels akin to a living, breathing world. Every lyrics has yet another story behind it while Brian Ross hints at greater worlds just beyond the periphery. Keeping everything relatively restrained allows for the song to have a timeless quality to it, one that gives it a deeply emotional impact. Full of optimism, the song sings a tale of true earned defiance.
A lovely kind beauty emerges from “Broken Wing” proving Brian Ross to be a storytelling with a real sense of poetry.