Valoftheangels NEEDS a LABEL 3GB of songs, will do soundtracks patricia engelthaler aka valoftheangels
OK so i have a background in music… i used to play the keyboard,, and was a background singer for a “missing persons” demo, but i quit.., personal protection…… no they didnt threaten me…. i started mixing mixes for my own and my friend’s amusement, but then it dawned on me.,. mix my own stuff… i used to have a liscence for Virtual DJ so i used that alot.. now i work on GNU instruments and production programs, i dont know hkow to get my liscence back for Virtual DJ it would be nice,,, its a great tool. any who,,,,, i have been in a nursing home for 14 years off and on. my joints are screwed from an illness.. wheelie chair still…. lots of time on my hands. i have a folder with all my mixes and songs and it stands right now at 6.02GB… fun fun fun i would dearly love a career in music to support myself.. have been living on ssdi and grants for 14 years.