Exposed Vocals Interviews TruPHD
Exposed Vocals: How did you hear about Exposed Vocals? What made you decide to sign up?
TruPHD: I started posting my music to facebook and twitter through soundcloud, exposed
vocals sent me an invitation to have my music reviewed through my twitter profile.
Exposed Vocals: So tell us your story. Where did you grow up? What made you decide to become an artist?
TruPHD:I grew up in North Charleston South Carolina, where the people are nice,but their actions aren’t lol. Growing up in a single parent home taught me alot about responsibilities early in life.My dad overdosed on heroine when i was only seven years old. We were back and forth between Charleston and Charlotte alot back then. After he died in our home in Charlotte NC my mother and sisters moved with family in SC. I stayed in NC. My Godmother taught me everythihng a school couldn’t about life.However, I became a product of my enviroment as i got older. I wrote my first rap in jail.I was a juvenile in and out of the Department of Juvenile Justice until i was old enough to be charged as an adult and sentenced to ‘hard time’!Behind those walls is where i honed my craft writing songs or freestyling against other inmates. Competetive spirits werent hard to find!
Exposed Vocals: How did you come up with that name? What was your inspiration behind it?
TruPHD: While away doing a 15 year sentence for burglary and armed robbery there was the begining,the middle, and the end. In the begining all i did was fight other inmates and rebel against correction officers.The begining lasted longer than any period.The middle is when i finally began to calm down and analyze my predicament in its entirety. A very wise man sat me down and introduced me to the mysteries of reality.I became a knowledge seeker, anything having to do with spirituality or knowledge i ate it. TruPHD means a tru doctor of philosophy. Everywhere i went ( from prison to prison) i attracted positivity and light. People always called me the professor or the philosopher. I liked it, it was me! TruPH is truth spelled with the ph making the f sound lol. The D is my first name Daniel. TruPHD means more than 1 or 2 things. it is an amalgamation of meanings lol.
Exposed Vocals: What do you think about online music sharing? Do you ever give your music away for free? Why?
TruPHD:I think online music sharing is a very big deal today where most music is consumed over the internet. So as far as effective self promotion and generating fans, online sharing is the most effective tool in use today. I commend it and use it to the most of its abilities. I will also encourage others to as well. In my opinion it has more potential to help an up and coming artist get exposure than to hurt them or their careers.
Exposed Vocals: Since everyone was a start-up once, can you give any smaller or local bands or artists looking to get gigs and airplay some tips?
TruPHD: My only sound tip right now would be to keep going being persistent, because people lose interest fast. you have to maintain the intrigue or momentum whatever got you the attention must be substained on a consistent level. Music is a 24 hour investment, with enough time effort and energy invested in the right areas of promotion it can pay off.
Exposed Vocals: Do you ever make mistakes during performances? How do you handle that?
TruPHD:Um.. Honestly, I can’t say that i have. If i did though i’d keep going. Being a battle rapper taught me alot about being ready and prepared. There are going to be situations you will be placed in where u got to have your stuff in order, or you will fall by the wayside. Usually when i write content i “Cap” or memeorize the lines as i write them down. Helps train your mind to recall the bars when you need to say them correctly in any situation. Jail gives a songwriter more time to refine and sharpen his skills.A gift and a curse indeed lol!
Exposed Vocals: Do you tour? Anything interesting happen on tour that you think our readers would enjoy hearing about?
TruPHD:Haven’t been on tour yet, soon hopefully. 2016 is my year,and it’s going to be filled with good times and memories! I’m already claiming it!
Exposed Vocals: Where do you usually gather songwriting inspiration? What is your usual songwriting process?
TruPHD: An idea or an instrumental might come into my head and i usually will let that train of thought marinate for about 2 or 3 days: writing down bars or punchlines that come to mind to be used in the process of writing the song after i have a clear idea of atleast two verses and a chorus. The concepts of my songs come from personal experiences that i’ve learned enough from to expound upon.A wise man once told me not to say it if i couldn’t explain it afterwards. So i always strived to do that when writing songs or poetry.Most of my music is uninspired though. If it isn’t based on an experience, then its usually just creativity. Using my imagination to come up with the most creative theme. A life void of
normalties, must create for itself its own norms. TruPHD
Exposed Vocals: Do you have a band website? What online platforms do you use to share your music?
TruPHD: yes I do have a band website along with my partner/ composer Alkemis. In 2014 we formed a duo group called MegaMined. Our music and be found on Youtube, ReverbNation, SoundCloud,as well as Facebook.To share my music i use all these platforms as TruPHD where i also have solo projects that i promote.
Exposed Vocals: What are some really embarrassing songs that we might find on your mp3 player?
TruPHD:Adele-someone like you.lol! There’s something about a woman who can sing that i just have to be close to! The energy and vibration is amazing. I wish i could sing! So shout out to everyone who can.
Exposed Vocals: If you were given half a million dollars and a year off, what would you do? How would you spend it?
TruPHD: I would take a great deal of time to consider what i’d do with the money before i actually did something with it.I can tell you for certain that my mom would be getting a house, i would get a high quality studio built where i could record and produce my music hassle and stress free.I would buy one car! Can’t drive two at the same time so whats the use?!I would donate 100,000 to the city of North Charleston so they could build a few parks and fix up some roads and other things that matter,but are never tooken care of.I would take the year to make music. I’d probably come out the studio with 4 or 5 classic albums. Already have them on “cap” would take the time to actually record these hits.
Exposed Vocals: Any planned studio upgrades? What are you working with now?
TruPHD:Right now i use FL Studios 12 Producer Edition to produce beats.Alkemis records our vocals on Pro Tools! If you go to YouTube, i have a channel called TruPHD. Every video on there was recorded with an IPOD touch when i was first released from prison in May of 2011 lol. So just so you know, we are always waiting on tax time .Sometimes that is the only time to upgrade!
Exposed Vocals: How do you find ways to promote your music? What works best for you?
TruPHD: To promote my music i use reverbnation.Not only do they have a strong social network backing, they also offer opportunities for up and coming independent artists like submitting your tracks to local radio stations or crowd reviews just to name a few, which i think are very useful tools for music promotion.
Exposed Vocals: If you could perform anywhere and with any artists (Dead or Alive) where and who would it be with? Why?
Exposed Vocals: So, what’s next? Any new upcoming projects that you want to talk about?
TruPHD: Yes, certainly. MegaMined has our album coming out in 2016 to be dated called The Social Takeover. The concept of the album
came to being during very tenebrous times in the Holy City of Charleston SC. The church shooting, so called False flag events that were
said to target our city also.Alot of tension and uncertainty shrouded our city, this album was to be the beakon of light that proved we were
still whole and holy! Hopefully it still will. because the problems of today haven’t gone away, only the attention the were able to draw on
a national scale is! MegaMined also has a short film coming out where Alkemis plays Holy City Batman and i am The riddler! Amusing to say the least.
Stay tuned for those, my share button will be going ham when it comes out!
Exposed Vocals: If you weren’t making music, what would you be doing?
TruPHD: Is this a trick question?!? lol, surely i’d be seliing drugs or committing some other illegal acts to provide food for me and mine. Being a convicted
felon in South Carolina obstracizes you in the eyes of society. Its hard to serve your debt to sociey and still be indebt to them once you return to the outside.
In the last 4 years ive held 2 jobs, both less than 3 months respectivley! What chances are there for men and women like me? I dont have a history of job experience,
i have a history of hard experiences.However, to most this deems me unprepared for the world; But in my clarity, they aren’t prepared for us!
Exposed Vocals: Do you remember buying your first album? Who was it? What was going through your head?
TruPHD:The first album i bought was Master P- The Last Don! the double CD! I took it home and sat in my room on the floor and played the whole CD,both of them.
When it had finally gone off , i looked out the window and it was pitch black.I remember being mad because i had let a whole afternoon disappear on me without
going outside! Master P made me a down south rap fan.Before that most of the music was coming out of New York and that’s what most of the US had to listen to either Biggie or Pac.
So now i knew we also had a sound too.
Exposed Vocals: How do you juggle the rest of your responsibilities while trying to stay ahead in your music life?
TruPHD:Thankfully i do alot of my networking and music promotion from home. This allows me ample time with my little boy and girl, who i look after each and everyday. There hasn
‘t been a day where they weren’t right by my side from morning to night, and even as i answer these questions i look over and see them, and it reassures me that i am doing it for the
right reasons. I hope soon someday my kids can eat from the fruits of my labor.
Exposed Vocals: What should fans look forward to in 2016?
TruPHD: MegaMined everywhere! Holy City Batman! The Social Takeover EP. and more to come! TruPHD