Exposed Vocals Interviews J.D.
Jurgen (J.D.) started playing guitar when he was 5 years old. He formed his first band, “The Young Byrds”, at age 11 in 1982.
1983: First hit single, “Je Vous Aime, I Love You” made it into the Belgian top 10 charts. This single had success in Belgium, The Netherlands, Germany and France. While touring they shared the stage with several successful European artists : “The Shorts” (NL), Will Tura, Sandra Kim (B), Bobbejaan Schoepen, Nicole en Hugo and many more.
After a year, “The Young Byrds” decided to disband because of their educational needs and to persue other interests as individual musicians. J.D. and his parents decided to take a break; they visited their family in Canada.
1984: Canada had a big influence on J.D. It was there he discovered Country Music, which led to the unique guitar picking style he learned from his nephew Mel Hyland. (Mel, know as “Big Bull”, was a country singer and World Champion saddle bronco rider and bare back riding.)
1985-1987: J.D.’s Canadian adventure lead to his decision to start a Country Band in Belgium, “The New Byrds”. They played regularly in many clubs and festivals in Belgium, The Netherlands and France. This steady work developed his guitar picking style even more. His influences were James Burton and Albert Lee.
1987-1988: “The New Byrds” were contracted as the back up band for several country artists while they toured in Belgium. They worked with Jurby Gibson (USA), Jimmy Lawton (USA), Patricia Lindsday (AUS) to name a few.
J.D. had the pleasure to work with Steward Barnes (UK). Steward had worked with Carl Perkins on his European Tour.
1988-1989: J.D. did some freelance work as a session guitarist for Lili Castelle, Bianca (“Dream Express”), Ghunter Neefs.
J.D. also did a TV-appereance with his band for Belgium’s National TV, BRT, on ST-Nicholas day.
BRT was the name of Belgium’s National TV station in the 1980’s. Now known as VRT.
1989-2003: The band changed its name to “The Roadliner Band”. They contracted with the Bobby
Setter agency. J.D. started to write his own songs for the band. They participated in Belgian and
Dutch talent contests, such as the CAWAB Awards. They received the award for “Best Belgian Country Band”. In the Netherlands, they participated in The SCPO Awards, where they received 2 awards for the category, “Best Electrical Country Band” and “Best Instrumentalist”.
J.D. and the Roadliner Band also had the opportunity to play several gigs for the US Army at the
2003-2005: J.D. was contacted for a TV appearance on the reality soap “The Planckaerts”. This was a show on Belgiums VTM TV-network. It was about the family and life of the famous cyclist Eddy Planckaert. J.D. was given the task to coach them as singers for 2 seasons. When not filming, J.D. and his band were contracted to be their band on tour. The Family’s musical adventures finished their second season with J.D. and his band on a live broadcasted showcase.
2005-2010: As a result of J.D’s TV appearances, he and the band received a lot of work at Belgian festivals. Between performances, J.D. started to compose again. These were instrumental songs for a new album. (J.D. also started his own guitar company and repair service, “Demeyere Guitars” at this time.) While writing songs for his first instrumental album, J.D. sent out some of his instrumentals for reviews through social media. At the beginning of 2010, J.D. was asked by the Belgian singer “Bandit” to join his tour band for his concerts and play on his albums.
2011: J.D. toured with “Bandit”, as part of his band, and with his own band, “The Roadliner Band”.
J.D. received a letter from Nashville Tennessee Radio NBRN.FM ‘s program coordinator, Ms. Billie Joe Braiburne. This notified him that Mr. Charlie Ray, from the International Talent Group, had heard his album, “On The Road”, and was willing to work with J.D.
Charlie Ray started promoting J.D.’s music in the Los Angeles music scene.
Also in that year, J.D. received a message from his friend Wayne Parham that he would visit Belgium that year. In June 2011 they shared the stage at a Belgian festival.
2012: J.D.’s song “Guitartrain” was selected for the radio program “Guitarclub 2012”.
Guitarclub 2012 was a special program to celebrate the 55th anniversary of the first Guitarclub program on BBC radio. Guitarclub was created by Ken Sykora (“The Man with the Jazz Guitar”)
2013: J.D. received another message from Mr. Charlie Ray. This time he wanted to submit his music for The Los Angeles Akademia Music Awards. Since J.D.’s album was ready and released, he submitted his album “On The Road”. In March 2013, J.D. received The Akademia Music Award for “Best Ambient/Instrumental Album”.
His song “A little 2 late” gained substantial airplay on Los Angeles Radio, KXLR, eventually reaching Number 1 for two weeks.
2014-2015: J.D. released an instrumental album “Cruisin’ Around”
This album was submitted to The Akademia Music Awards. Again received the award for “Best Ambient/Instrumental Album”.
The DWM Music Company requested a supply of CDs to sell in the US.
“Cruisin’ Around” had gained attention by UK’s Music Instrumental Rock Magazine “Pipeline”. They reviewed the CD for their magazine.
The Ambassador for the Greece Blues Hall of Fame did an interview with J.D. for their online website. J.D. decided to leave Bandit’s concert band to work on his own career and on the given opportunities!
Again his friend, Wayne Parham, visited Belgium in 2014, where they played together and talked about writing songs together. J.D.’s goal is to do a vocal album at this time.
At the present, J.D. his new album “I Remember You” has been released on November 10th. This album contains 8 own songs and 4 cover songs. 5 of the songs on the album are in collaboration with Wayne who wrote the lyrics for Jurgen.
Exposed Vocals: How did you hear about Exposed Vocals? What made you decide to sign up?
J.D.: I received a message on Twitter that Exposed Vocals was interested do an interview.
Exposed Vocals: So tell us your story. Where did you grow up? What made you decide to become an artist?
J.D.: I was born in Belgium and grew up in Kortrijk. As a 4 year old I wanted a guitar! When we passed by a music store I was always staring at the guitars and pointing at them. My parents noticed that I was very determined about having a guitar since I kept asking for one.
No one in my family is a musician so it took a while before my parents decided to give a guitar as a birthday present for my 5th birthday. They thought this idea of me would pass by but after 3 months I was following private guitar lessons! Since I was too young for music school I had to learn it from a private teacher, Jack Devuyst. He was a big fan of “The Shadows” so he learned me play “Hank Marvin” style. After a couple of years, at age 7, I went to music school and started with classical guitar. My teacher then , Armand Coeck, noticed that I was more into experimenting with the classical guitar so he learned me to play the Flamenco style. Meanwhile, I was still playing the electric guitar at home and had set up a band. When music school was finished I went on a trip with my parents to Canada on a family visit. It was there that I’ve learned about Country Music and the Chicken Picking style. This was so exciting for me that I started to pick up some guitar players their style and tried to mix it with my classical guitar style. Ever since, I have never stopped learning and trying to polish my own playing style!
Exposed Vocals: How did you come up with that name? What was your inspiration behind it?
J.D.: Well, it’s my own name I am using but most people are saying J.D. or Mr. Twelve finger…LOL…
Exposed Vocals: What do you think about online music sharing? Do you ever give your music away for free? Why?
J.D.: there are a lot of platforms where you can signup for free (or pay!) as an artist or band. Eventually you need to start somewhere… If you make music and you’ll never get it out for free at first, nobody will hear from you! So, in a way you need to do this at first. When you are spending a budget on recording time and making CD’s…it’s another thing!
When you have a Die Hard Fan asking for it, go a head. If it’s for good publicity, go for it. Only think twice when asked for an entire album give away! When you have made a CD you’ve probably spent a huge budget! That means you want to make a living out of your music and that is another issue!
Exposed Vocals: Since everyone was a start-up once, can you give any smaller or local bands or artists looking to get gigs and airplay some tips?
J.D.: I’d like to say, that beginning artists need to watch out for some music platforms who are asking money for an artist page! Even sites who are asking money to submit your music for “so called” opportunities! Keep in mind, if someone or a label likes your songs or music they will contact you and possibly, even give you money! When they see potential they will do everything for you because they will earn money on a later stage when you are on their roster!!
As for gigs, WORK HARD and get out there!!!! Let people know that you are searching for gigs! Go to your local bars, festivals, etc… Go out on the road and tell them who you are and what you do!
Exposed Vocals: Do you ever make mistakes during performances? How do you handle that?
J.D.: Sure I do! Depends on the situation of course, but if I can I will always try to solve it, even if it’s a laugh for the audience! Don’t be mad at yourself when you make a mistake but learn from it. If it’s funny, go for it, your audience may even like it and it will show that you’re a human!
Exposed Vocals: Do you tour? Anything interesting happen on tour that you think our readers would enjoy hearing about?
J.D.: yes I tour. I tour a lot with my band as J.D. and The Roadliner Band.
I can tell stories for hours but the funniest thing that happened ( maybe not the most interesting, LOL) was when we were on the road to a gig. We made a quick stop, since we were already a couple of hours on the road, and when I’ve got out of the Van the keys from the Van fell into the sewer! We all went to the road shop looking for a solution. We found some luggage fasteners and tied them together so it would be long enough to “fish” the keys out of the sewer. Some of us had also bought drinks, cookies, chips and etc… We all had put our the things on the sidewalk and started fishing for the keys. We didn’t realized it, but all people who passed by were looking very strange at us. They thought we fished all things up from out the sewer!
Exposed Vocals: Where do you usually gather songwriting inspiration? What is your usual songwriting process?
J.D.: I find my inspiration a lot in emotionally moments. That doesn’t mean it always has to be sad! When you are emotionally loaded I think as an artist it’s a trigger for creation.
Exposed Vocals: Do you have a band website? What online platforms do you use to share your music?
J.D.: yes I do! My artist website is : www.jurgendemeyere.com and my Band’s website:
At the beginning when I recorded my first songs I used only RN.
Now, my songs and albums can be downloaded on iTunes, Amazon and etc….or purchased s a physical CD.
Exposed Vocals: What are some really embarrassing songs that we might find on your mp3 player?
J.D.: None! A hard question though… I think all music can be taken seriously even if it’s a lullaby!
Exposed Vocals: If you were given half a million dollars and a year off, what would you do? How would you spend it?
J.D.: I would first think very carefully what I would do with the money. There’s a lot what we want but do we need it?! When I have that kind of money and year off, I would try to go all the way with a new album, shoot a video and try to organize concerts… Maybe a couple of new guitars…LOL Exposed Vocals: Any planned studio upgrades? What are you working with now?
J.D.: I now work with my own recording studio at Golden Pock Records… Upgrades are always welcome! Technology is evolving fast and there are always new things that we like!
Exposed Vocals: How do you find ways to promote your music? What works best for you?
J.D.: I think “mouth to mouth” is the best way and these days this it’s through social networks! The more you get the word out the better. The people who like your music will share it and talk about it on their social pages. Most of the time they have friends with similar interests!
Exposed Vocals: If you could perform anywhere and with any artists (Dead or Alive) where and who would it be with? Why?
J.D.: I’d like to get a tour together in the U.S.! With who… as a guitarist I would say: Jeff Beck, Brian Setzer, ZZ-Top and many many others! My ultimate wish would be the late Danny Gatton! He was a very exceptional guitar player!!!!
Exposed Vocals: So, what’s next? Any new upcoming projects that you want to talk about?
J.D.: Well, my latest album has just been released but I am working on a new one for 2016! Again with collaboration of my best friend and Brother: Wayne Parham.
I’ve met Wayne through FB a couple off years ago. Wayne contacted me when he had heard one of my instrumentals “Guitartrain” on RN. We talked to each other about guitars and music and he said he was coming to Europe on a trip. That’s how we have met. He played along with my band several times when he was here. We had such great times together and we started talking about my new album that I was going to start with. So I asked Wayne if he’d like to write the lyrics for my songs.
Exposed Vocals: If you weren’t making music, what would you be doing?
J.D.: I think I would still be in the art business as a painter. I also do oil paintings and ink drawings as a hobby now.
Exposed Vocals: Do you remember buying your first album? Who was it? What was going through your head?
J.D.: yes, I do remember which band but I don’t remember when. The first album I bought myself was from The Eagles. I wanted my band to have that same “vibe”….that didn’t work well though…LOL! Now we have our own “vibe”
Exposed Vocals: How do you juggle the rest of your responsibilities while trying to stay ahead in your music life?
J.D.: My life “IS MUSIC” but you need to live with your 2 feet on the ground! I have a perfect match in life and we understand each other very well!!
Exposed Vocals: What should fans look forward to in 2016?
J.D.: A new Album, even better than the latest release since we learn from it all the time!
I hope to manage a tour in the U.S., since my music is mostly getting attention from this part of the world!! I am currently searching a manager for the U.S. Since the music is going strong there and some people are asking for gigs in the U.S.! So maybe 2016….or 2017?!
I also would like to say “Thank You” for this interview! Exposed Vocals is giving a great opportunity to unsigned artists and new music out there!!!!!!