Exposed Vocals just interviewed motivational speaker and musician Joey Stuckey
We recently had the privilege of learning more about inspirational speaker, producer and musician, Joey Stuckey from Macon, GA. Read on to found out about the man who lives his life out loud with purpose.
Exposed Vocals: Dear Joey, thank you for being part of our interview process. What is the best part of being a musician in your opinion?
There is a physical thrill to playing well and knowing you are on your game. To play something compelling or interesting or to play a blistering guitar solo or to hit all the big notes vocally and shake the rafters is a lot of fun, perhaps perversely, it is even more fun when the folks you are about to perform for don’t know what they are about to see and hear. But the reason I fight for good health everyday outside of being with my friends and family is for the privilege of making music. I had a brain tumor as a child and while it took my sight, it also took my adrenal function and resulted in other health issues like gifting me with a metal shoulder and hip LOL. There are days when it is all I can do to stand up, but I fight to move past all that so I can play music. Music is the most powerful force for positive change I know and I am content to change lives one song at a time. So the long answer:-) the best part is meeting people that can be moved by music and to share that moment with them and send a musical blessing that promises a better tomorrow!
Exposed Vocals: Your life has been about overcoming challenges and rising to the top! What do you find to be your greatest motivations?
Well, I know it sounds redundant but music and sound are my universe! I love the majesty of sound. The complexities, the crafting of sonic landscapes through manipulation of fundamental frequencies and partial harmonics is a great joy and challenge. I love to help others on their journey and take great satisfaction in being trusted to assist others to achieve their goals. I love collaborating with like-minded folks that care about the art and science of music and sound. In one of my Berklee classes that I took, one of my professors said something simple, but very profound. “ find out what it is that you do better than anyone else and do that” I think that I nurture talent well and get a real thrill seeing my students’ successes. I also want to assist other blind music lovers in bringing adaptive technology to fruition so that everyone has the chance to experience making music, even if you don’t want to make it your life’s work, you should still have the chance to explore it and enjoy it. Of course, I love my friends, I have so many good ones including my band mates on my new album “ In The Shadow Of The Sun” Charles Arnold and Nestor Jaenz, and I feel like I am so fortunate to have my mom Reva, dad Talmadge, and wife, Jennifer that love me and empower me and believe in my music and don’t think that is a fool’s errand to be a musician.
I also have to say that I am curious about almost everything and love to explore new places, people and ideas and to grow from those experiences. That is why I love to travel speaking and performing, there is just so much out there to discover. I once had a client and friend tell me that he loved seeing my social media posts because I “ Eat Life” I think that is the best way to sum up my rather verbose answer, I want to live and experience all the universe has to offer. I want to help others and I want to grow and learn and assist others to do the same, that is why I never give up, even when it seems reasonable to do so.
Exposed Vocals: You seem to be such an extremely positive energy. Do you think positivity can be a learned trait?
—JS great question!
Positive energy comes from the spark of life in all of us. I think it is our natural state of being to be positive. However, the world is a beautiful place, but not without its darkness and pain. This is as it should be. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want beings to suffer, however, in my experience, the hard times have made me a better person.
I like to think of it this way. When a master craftsmen sees a piece of wood or stone and makes something amazing out of that piece of wood or stone, they don’t make something that isn’t there already. Instead, they chisel off the excess material to reveal what was already there. In this way, we can let even negative experiences work to our advantage. Positivity isn’t an easy state to stay in and honestly, if you were never sad or troubled, there would be something wrong with you:-) Greif and heartache have their part to play in shaping us in to more perfect beings.
But, positivity can be a state of being sought after and studied, so I suppose it can be learned if one has a willing heart.
Exposed Vocals: You are quite well known as a motivational speaker. What are the most important key elements of your delivery?
Don’t get me started:-)
I think humor is the most important tool I have for what I do. I talk about a lot of serious stuff and some of it is quite dense, but I try to bring it all together with funny stories from my life, ‘cause sometimes, being blind is hard, but sometimes it is funny! The two aren’t mutually exclusive:-)
I talk about what I have found to be four pillars of a successful life. I won’t go in to detail, you’ll have to come meet me in person:-) But I think one of the most important things in life, and this is one of my pillars, is the concept of intention! If you don’t have intention, you can’t make good decisions because instead of working towards a goal, you are just reacting to life. When you just react in the moment, you probably won’t make the best choices because you are under stress. However, if you find your spark of intention and you let your life flow from that point, all else falls into place.
Exposed Vocals: What is your overall mission with music?
Entertainment, growth, healing, fun! We are creatures that are compelled to tell stories. It is how we make sense of our place in the universe. So, sharing stories is so important to be a healthy person. Stories help us remember things we have forgotten. Or learn something new. They are how we record our history and look at our mistakes so we can be better next time. I am honored to be part of the process and play my small part in the great adventure of being alive. Put another way, I just want to leave the world a little better than I found it.
Exposed Vocals: We thank you for your answers and wish you continued growth and success. Please share your links and where our readers can buy and stream your new music.
Thanks for the opportunity to chat and share some of my story. I love to talk LOL!
IG @jstuckeymusic
TW @jstuckeymusic
FB www.facebook.com/joeystuckey
In the Shadow of the Sun by Joey Stuckey Trio
Spotify https://open.spotify.com/artist/4H5sd7R9Or0DSHbiWobGll?si=TucrZnL6Sw-zOPAzECsF4