Remedies – Precious Disease ” this release is far more of an audio experience than a simple, acoustic ditty.”
The quality of this recording is gorgeous, to listen through headphones is to really have the crisp sound of the acoustic guitar and the smoothness of the leading vocal just melt around you. As things progress, the music builds up to a pretty huge chorus section, moving from the delicate and folk-like to the much more indie-rock inspired, though still keeping the emotion and warmth at the forefront of the experience. Witnessing the intensity building is captivating, the leading artist’s voice rises in passion and power, as does the surrounding instrumentation. It comes through quite unexpectedly, often this type of introduction to a song sets the bar for almost all of what will follow. On the contrary, this release is far more of an audio experience than a simple, acoustic ditty.
Musically, everything has been beautifully performed and captured. The piano part has a delicately manic energy that just lightly grabs your attention from a distance. The drums erupt into action, the guitars, the voices – everything works hard and in unison to present a flawless and thoughtfully detailed journey as the song moves along. It’s the sort that sounds beautiful to simply let play, and yet when you listen to the lyrics there’s a whole new element to become aware of. It pays to listen more than once to take on the concept and the ideas, and to then experience the musicality once more having accepted the underlying story line.
It works in both cases, more and more so each time you listen, and because the moment has been so well captured and produced you really can rely on the track to be there for you in just about any situation – through headphones, in the car, with friends. A live show would most probably be amazing to witness.
By Rebecca Cullen
Rebecca is a Musician and writer from Manchester, UK, with an MA in Song Writing