Immortal Technique- Harlem Streets
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Some “Symbolism”:
the pyramid represents the past.Note that the capstone
of this pyramid is not in place, thus denoting an
unfinished situation. This unfinished situation was
planned to remain in effect until the Old World Order
was destroyed and replaced with the New World Order.
“ANNUIT COEPTIS”- He favors our undertakings
“Novus Ordo Seclohum”- New World Order
Capstone- Eye of Horus [theocracy of Egyptian
Mysticism]- Eye of Satan or Lucifer
MDCCLXXVI (Roman Numeral) on the bottom layer of stones
“1776” [May 1, Beltaine, Second high-Holy Day of the Year]
On May 1,1776, a New world Order was born when the Masters
of the Illuminati was founded, whose foundation would be built
upon depravity and rebellion. It’s leader would be Satan
The Number 13- The Number “13” is the occult number
of Depravity and Rebelion
13 total letters/digits in both 1776 (4) and its Roman Numeral equivalent MDCCLXXVI (9)
13 stars above the eagle
13 steps on the Pyramid
13 letters in ANNUIT COEPTIS
13 letters in E PLURIBUS UNUM
13 vertical bars on the shield
13 horizontal stripes at the top of the shield
13 leaves on the olive branch
13 berries on the olive branch
13 arrows
13 hats