Illfist – Twisted
Illfist was spawned in Rochester, MN on February 23, 1999 when we played our first show at the Pla-mor ballroom and another show a month later. Both shows went fairly well and left a lot of people thinking that we had been playing together for awhile. When in actuality, we had been together for five months. After the two shows we recorded a five-song demo that was never released. It was about this time that Illfist was having a lot of internal problems, and Whitney left the band. Shortly after that the original drummer left because of personal problems. Drew and Shon continued jamming with a couple members of the band Sinder. After a couple of months it was realized that this was not working out and Whitney was asked to rejoin and Scott was added on drums. This helped us cement our musical vision that we tried to get across our first time around.The musical vision has now been reached! Illfist has been playing shows non-stop in the Minneapolis/St. Paul and Rochester area. We have also released our first CD and been a part of three compilation CD’s. The Illfist rate of growth has been “phenominal”. With a fan base growing with each show and CD released, plan on hearing alot more from Illfist in the future.