This is no prototype. This is Rashaun Will. Exclusive Interview!
In an industry that has evolved so drastically over the years, there’s one artist in particular who has remained consistent while resisting the industry trends. Often times, these trends have sacrificed an artist’s originality, leading to a generic commercial formula. This musical prodigy has evolved in becoming one of the greatest artists to date. Remaining his authentic self in his admirable career catapulted his success as an artist while captivating his audience. Well established with other natural gifts and talents such as wisdom and discernment, he refuses to compromise his personal character and passions for any industry trend. This is Rashaun Will.
Beginning at the early age of 11, Rashaun was exposed to numerous cultural and sociological influences that contributed to his success as an international recording artist. Hence, allowing him to stimulate his own unique musical composition. These influences include his biological roots growing up in New York City, while being surrounded amongst other well renowned musicians. Rashaun began mixing his own melodies with an antique Yamaha keyboard, saxophone, and a trumpet. Moving forward, he began to produce tracks for several local artists throughout the years and touring with others in the industry. He learned on a first hand basis what it took to become a successful performer. Compelled by his talents and capability to influence others through music sparked his determination to begin his own career in music encompassing the broad horizons of New York City.
Rashaun’s first album debuted in 2002, “Who Am I?” With his release of this album, he was able to sell an unprecedented 10,000 copies without the help of national distribution, retail management, neither in-store support. Impressing the likes of many fans, Rashaun also earned the opportunity to open up for major artists around the nation, has been featured on 100’s of mixtapes, magazines and nominated in the category of “Most Original Solo Artist” at the 4th Annual Underground Music Awards. Upon this recognition, “Patience is a Virtue” was produced in 2005, which exemplified vintage freestyle techniques that Rashaun had acquired earlier in his career.
Rapid acceleration of Rashaun’s talents reach substantial heights in 2013 lead by his first single “I SHOW OFF” produced by Grammy Nominated & Former NBA Star, Maurice Ager, which landed 182 in the top 200 national radio charts in its first week with 568 spins, peaking at 128 and landing 36 on the top 50 indie chart by week 3.
Additionally, in 2014 he exploded onto the European Charts in the Electronic Dance Music Category with his hit single, “JLT” (Just Like That) collaborating with world renowned artists Nils Van Zandt and Sydney Housen. His song debuted at number 8 on ITunes while peaking at number 2.
“I want to give a new meaning to the definition of ‘a diamond in the rough,’ he said, stating, “This is what it takes to maintain a career without sacrificing your artistic integrity.” Rashaun will be the first to admit, “I’d rather be known as an overachiever that takes creative risks than someone that follows the same lines or lyrics as everyone else does.”
Due to his perseverance and tenacity, along with his wide range of expertise in the field, Rashaun launched his own record label in 2014 (R. Will Music Group). Now a CEO, consecutively managing his own livelihood, Rashaun released his first album off the label, “I’m So Necessary” in 2014. He is now a world renowned international recording artist with a diverse audience including the United States branching out to the United Kingdom and Europe. His passion exudes in every arena of his life and each destination he travels to perform. He is loved by the masses. His creativity runs majestically and he continues to leave others inspired with an influential message throughout his endeavors.
Well respected from countless genres in the music industry, his humility remains. Rashaun will be the first to tell you “I don’t look for any co-signs or brag about the praise I get from my industry peers, God is the only co-sign I need.”
This is no prototype. This is Rashaun Will.
Exposed Vocals: How did you hear about Exposed Vocals? What made you decide to sign up?
Rashaun Will: I heard about it through my manager, I checked out what you guys was doing and i liked what i saw.
Exposed Vocals: So tell us your story. Where did you grow up? What made you decide to become an artist?
Rashaun Will: I was born and raised in NYC the birth place of hip hop as a kid i got to see the pioneers holding it down and that inspired me to pick up the mic. I started writing rhymes at 11 and ever since then I been at it relentlessly. I come from a family who was heavily involved in the music business so I guess you can say i was born to do this it runs in the blood.
Exposed Vocals: How did you come up with that name? What was your inspiration behind it?
Rashaun Will: In the beginning of my career i went by the name “Stress” then years went by it became “Stress Dollaz”. I matured as time went by so I felt I needed a change, something more fitting to who I am now. Rashaun is my middle name and Will is part of my last name “Williams”. My inspiration behind it was really all God’s doing its no gimmick its really me it represents where i am now mentally and spiritually.
Exposed Vocals: What do you think about online music sharing? Do you ever give your music away for free? Why?
Rashaun Will: I think online music sharing changed the game in some good and bad ways. Record sales are down because fans have access to all the artists catalog for free to stream on these new streaming platforms. Its also good because you can reach a bigger audience with a touch of a button. No i don’t give away my music I believe if you feel it has alot of value then a fan would buy into it why throw it away, I mean i give away freestyles and mixtape songs but my albums and commercial singles comes with a price.
Exposed Vocals: Since everyone was a start-up once, can you give any smaller or local bands or artists looking to get gigs and airplay some tips?
Rashaun Will: upcoming artists looking to get gigs should focus on building a fan base before trying to do shows if no one knows you or never heard of you then don’t expect anyone to show up to your show. Work the record through both the clubs and the internet if the people feeling it then put a good marketing campaign behind it and push for radio play in your local station.
Exposed Vocals: Do you ever make mistakes during performances? How do you handle that?
Rashaun Will: Never made a mistake on stage practice makes perfect I rehearse alot before going out because if you go on stage and mess up people will remember you for that and word travels around your not a good performer is damaging to your brand.
Exposed Vocals: Do you tour? Anything interesting happen on tour that you think our readers would enjoy hearing about?
Rashaun Will: Yes I do tour I am actually headed out on a european tour in march. I love touring best part of it is meeting people in every city I’ve encountered alot of interesting people. Once I did a show in New Hampshire and a fan followed me into the bathroom asking me for a autograph while I was using the toilet hahahahahaha she got the autograph I signed her breasts and her butt thats just one of the crazy requests I get.
Exposed Vocals: Where do you usually gather songwriting inspiration? What is your usual songwriting process?
Rashaun Will: At this point in my career i barely write most of my songs come off the top of my head, I get inspired off my current mood I never had a writers block theres too much to talk about in this world to not come up with anything.
Exposed Vocals: Do you have a band website? What online platforms do you use to share your music?
Rashaun Will: Yes my website is www.rashaunwill.com I am pretty much on everything you can think of so I may use soundcloud,spotify,etc.
Exposed Vocals: What are some really embarrassing songs that we might find on your mp3 player?
Rashaun Will: None I wouldn’t put the song out if I feel its that bad.
Exposed Vocals: If you were given half a million dollars and a year off, what would you do? How would you spend it?
Rashaun Will: First of all I wouldn’t take the year off I would still be out grinding thats just how I am no days off. Half a million I would most likely invest some of it, of course do some shopping I like diamonds.
Exposed Vocals: Any planned studio upgrades? What are you working with now?
Rashaun Will: I am a Pro Tools guy no upgrades really if a new plug-in bundle comes out I will most likely get it.
Exposed Vocals: How do you find ways to promote your music? What works best for you?
Rashaun Will: I find spotify to be the most effective tool for me I recently created a soundcloud because that seems to be where fans go for new music.
Exposed Vocals: If you could perform anywhere and with any artists (Dead or Alive) where and who would it be with? Why?
Rashaun Will: I would have loved to perform with Tupac his energy is just dope I could see me and him rocking madison square garden in NYC. He is one of my favorite artists he spoke from the heart. One other artist would be Jay-z thats my favorite artist of all time that show would be crazy for sure.
Exposed Vocals: So, what’s next? Any new upcoming projects that you want to talk about?
Rashaun Will: I just dropped a new album “Gift From God” its available worldwide you can stream it on soundcloud.com/rashaunwill The people claiming its a classic what hip hop has been missing raw beats and lyrics with strong content.
Exposed Vocals: If you weren’t making music, what would you be doing?
Rashaun Will: Thats a tough question I always been a go getter I never had a workers mentality so I prolly would have my own business, but basketball is my first love so if I could have pursued that I honestly wouldn’t be doing music now.
Exposed Vocals: Do you remember buying your first album? Who was it? What was going through your head?
Rashaun Will: I dont remember buying my first album as a kid I used to record the songs from the radio on tape if I liked it. I think it was Rakim’s “Know The Ledge” one of the craziest songs back then, I used to rock that song a 100 times a day hahahaha.
Exposed Vocals: How do you juggle the rest of your responsibilities while trying to stay ahead in your music life?
Rashaun Will: It takes alot of discipline and sacrifice. When you are your own boss its time consuming especially when alot of people depend on you, but I can handle it I’m built for this. Its like a head coach you have to know how to manage time carefully.
Exposed Vocals: What should fans look forward to in 2016?
Rashaun Will: Im out on tour most of this year check my site for dates everything kicks off in March first stop on tour Europe then the UK. Album out everywhere, new Rashaun Will clothing and Watch collection available at www.rashaunwill.com
Gift From God (album)