Exposed Vocals interviews NC rapper Joe Gotti
Joe Gotti is a rapper/poet from New Bern, NC. Being only 20 years old he has a younger set of rappers he looks up to. J. Cole being his favorite with Drake and Migos as his others he tunes into frequently. Joe started rapping at the age of 12 with his cousin Chris Jackson(Jazz The Assassin) who is also a part of their rap group named Huncho Cartel. They recorded as 12 and 8 year olds making rap songs in Atlanta every summer with their Uncle(Corey Midgett) of R.O.S. Productions. As Joe reached high school he stopped recording as much and finally picked up where he left off in 2014. Since then all members of his group have been dropping music. Andrew Frazier(Drewski) and Marc Fortune(Marc Tune) his other cousin being the other 2 members. They look forward to blowing up on the scene in 2016 quite more. Follow their sound cloud to see what else they have in store: http://www.soundcloud.
Exposed Vocals: How did you hear about Exposed Vocals? What made you decide to sign up?
Joe Gotti: Well actually I learned of you all through twitter. We began discussing business and now we’re here.
Exposed Vocals: So tell us your story. Where did you grow up? What made you decide to become an artist?
Joe Gotti: Well I’m a young artist from New Bern, NC. Born and raised there my whole childhood. I actually was introduced to music as a baby. My mother, grandmother, aunts and uncles can sing. Also my cousins around my age rap. So we’re kind of just a big musical family I guess.
Exposed Vocals: How did you come up with that name? What was your inspiration behind it?
Joe Gotti: I got the name Joe from my government name Joseph and that’s what I was called. Gotti came from other artist with that name. I ultimately decided on it though because I use it as Grind Over-Time To Initiate. Just my hunger to be 2 feet in the game. So when I hear Gotti I get more motivation.
Exposed Vocals: What do you think about online music sharing? Do you ever give your music away for free? Why?
Joe Gotti: I think online music sharing is fine. I surely will give music away for free as long as it’s not an album. I want to be heard anyway possible.
Exposed Vocals: Since everyone was a start-up once, can you give any smaller or local bands or artists looking to get gigs and airplay some tips?
Joe Gotti: I’m actually still pretty local just known in a few different area codes around my area. Advice I give to other locals or anyone just starting. Don’t give up and know there is more business to music than actually just making songs. Also get the right management, a lot of artist get played for what they make by the wrong manager. I’m looking for new management myself and my group.
Exposed Vocals: Where do you usually gather songwriting inspiration? What is your usual songwriting process?
Joe Gotti: Actually I just write when I get the urge to which is daily. I also freestyle a lot around my friends or at parties. The process is normally quick. Sometimes I freestyle as soon as I hear the beat. Or if I hear a beat and I’m feeling it, I’ll write a hook and finish the verses in a day span at the longest. I love music so hearing a beat just drives me.
Exposed Vocals: Do you have a band website? What online platforms do you use to share your music?
Joe Gotti: I actually do not, we will be starting one within the next month or so. But I share my music to soundcloud. http://www.soundcloud.com/joegotti1
Exposed Vocals: What are some really embarrassing songs that we might find on your mp3 player?
Joe Gotti: Haha well embarrassing no but I’m an open minded guy so there’s no telling. You may get some trap(Migos, Gucci Mane), some lyrical music (Cole, Wale, Drake) or you may even here John Mayer. I really love music and I appreciate it.
Exposed Vocals: If you were given half a million dollars and a year off, what would you do? How would you spend it?
Joe Gotti: With half a million dollars I would make sure my family was good. I would take care of my finances. Then I would probably live a little with my lady.
Exposed Vocals: Any planned studio upgrades? What are you working with now?
Joe Gotti: Yeah we are actually buying better equipment to have our own studio. We do most of our recording with my cousin Jeremy(Shaun Redrum) Riggs who also raps as of now.
Exposed Vocals: How do you find ways to promote your music? What works best for you?
Joe Gotti: Well social media is a pretty mediocre way. A lot of people from our hometown listen to our music by clicking the link on twitter. But it’s honestly better getting promotion packages. Just a lot more professional and less of a hassle.
Exposed Vocals: If you could perform anywhere and with any artists (Dead or Alive) where and who would it be with? Why?
Joe Gotti: I would perform at the Summer Jam and I would have the rest of my group along with J.Cole, Drake and Lil Wayne.
Exposed Vocals: So, what’s next? Any new upcoming projects that you want to talk about?
Joe Gotti: haha what’s next? A lot to be honest. We are trying to get more features with bigger artist. Maybe some shows and we’re actually starting a clothing line. We have a group mixtape coming out by the summer as well as individual ones. So just keep an eye out.
Exposed Vocals: If you weren’t making music, what would you be doing?
Joe Gotti: I actually am still in school to get my Engineering degree. So more than likely working a job in that field.
Exposed Vocals: Do you remember buying your first album? Who was it? What was going through your head?
Joe Gotti: I actually do, my first bought album was 50 cents “Get Rich or Die Trying”. I was just so excited especially to pop it in my CD player. He was my favorite rapper at the time.
Exposed Vocals: How do you juggle the rest of your responsibilities while trying to stay ahead in your music life?
Joe Gotti: Well I handle things by day with music here and there in that mix. But usually at night late is when I mostly keep up on my music.
Exposed Vocals: What should fans look forward to in 2016?
Joe Gotti: 2016, we’re coming. Stay on your toes because it’s a lot of heat coming. Expect a major difference this year.