Exclusive Interview and Music Review with Brooklyn native Andre Cesar
Who is Andre Cesar?
Brooklyn native, Andre Cesar, has had a passion for music since birth. However, it wasn’t until 2006, when he recorded his first track, that his musical artistry was revealed. From that point he began to tap into his musical creativity; with the influences of Hip Hop, R&B, and Reggae his personal sound was born. Shortly after, he decided to create a record label, and Emperor Soundz, LLC was founded. Since then, Andre Cesar has fully embraced and employed his true talent as a producer and as an artist. While listening to Andre Cesar, you will hear his hypnotizing laid back flow, and lyricism that inspires . If a description of his music was to be expressed in one sentence, it would be, “An illustration of his reality, and everything around him “. (http://www.andrecesar.com/)
Brooklyn undoubtedly has birthed some of the finest rap acts ever to hit the hip hop scene.
In a musical landscape where poseurs and studio gangsters have risen to prominence and in the process watered down hip hop so heavily it now buckles at the knees with waterlogged exhaustion… It’s easy to lose sight of what makes the musical phenomenon, that is Hip-Hop, so profound at its essence; the integrity of the message and the music…
And that’s where the power of Brooklyn lies: rather than relying on overwrought metaphors, catchy hooks, and boosted basslines to get their point across, artists such as Andre Cesar use their music to make profound and artistic statement.
‘All About The Dollar’
The track starts off with how this world revolves around money – Man is known for greed. And one way to satisfy greed is with valueables and (You guessed it) money. and the “power of the dollar”. This song stresses to never underestimate what friends and even family would do to get their stacks up.
Adre Cesars delivery and lyrics are on point! This is the kind of track that really paints a picture and tells a story and that is what appeals to modern ears. This is the reason the Brooklyn sound has indie music fans all over the world digging up emerging artists from this area; It’s a beguiling basement listen with the neighborhood’s ’90s patina still coating the music.
Listen to “All About That Dollar’
By HBdidit – Exposed Vocals Music Reviewer and Breaking News Contributor.
A NYC fashion designer, music reviewer and lover of life!
Exclusive Interview with Andre Cesar below:
Exposed Vocals: How did you hear about Exposed Vocals? What made you decide to sign up?
Andre: I heard about Exposed Vocals through Twitter. After researching your company and saw the crudentials were legit as well as the services you offer I decided to sign up.
Exposed Vocals: So tell us your story. Where did you grow up? What made you decide to become an artist?
Andre: I was born and raised in Brooklyn NewYork ,and growing up music was just a part of my everyday life. It wasn’t till 2006 when I actually produced my first track and and some one who I was cool with heard the track ,wrote a song to the beat and wanted me to feature on it also. At first I was just good with me just making the beat, but he insisted so I wrote a few bars real quick and went in the booth to record my vocals. As I was recording, a feeling came over me like this is what you were born to do and then I realized my passion for music ran deeper than I thought. From that day on I been working towards my goals as an artist.
Exposed Vocals: How did you come up with that name? What was your inspiration behind it?
Andre: “Andre Cesar” is my actual birth name and I chose to go with it because I couldn’t find anything else that fits me. I was laying some vocals down and at the intro I said “Andre Cesar ” and the ring it had to it with the delay effects mic setting sounded just about right in my ears , so I ran with it.
Exposed Vocals: What do you think about online music sharing? Do you ever give your music away for free? Why?
Andre: I think online sharing is a good thing because it gives potential fans a chance to get to know you as an artist and hear what you have to say. The way I see the music industry is today , you might hear a record from an artist then you go out and purchase there album or whatever and realize all the other songs are garbage but that one that caught your attention. So in order to gain those potential fans trust , you give away free music and if it’s good they will support your next release because now you’ve won them over.
Exposed Vocals: Since everyone was a start-up once, can you give any smaller or local bands or artists looking to get gigs and airplay some tips?
Andre: I would say social media is a very powerful tool and to use it to your advantage. There are reputable and affordable music promotion companies such as Exposed Vocals at your fingertips , so if you are sereous about your music career find your market and invest .
Exposed Vocals: Do you ever make mistakes during performances? How do you handle that?
Andre: Rarely have I made mistakes and if I do keeping calm and finishing my performance is key ,if you recover well the fans won’t even notice. Practicing before my performance is how I avoid those issues.
Exposed Vocals: Do you tour? Anything interesting happen on tour that you think our readers would enjoy hearing about?
Andre: At this current moment Im not touring.
Exposed Vocals: Where do you usually gather songwriting inspiration? What is your usual songwriting process?
Andre: Inspiration for me comes from my life experience, people that are close to me experiences and current events going on in the world from good to bad . My song writing process has no formula, I could produce a track and which ever direction it pulls me in I go with that or I could have a conversation with some one and from that conversation alone I’ll have a song written with no beat for it , so it varies.
Exposed Vocals: Do you have a band website? What online platforms do you use to share your music?
Andre: My website is andrecesar.com , you can also download my EP for free from my soundcloud
https://m.soundcloud.com/andre-cesar-3, my Twitter @Andre Cesar 9, my YouTube https://m.youtube.com/user/TherealAndreCesar,https://m.facebook.com/pages/Andre-Cesar/492378140883876?ref=tn_tnmnExposed Vocals: What are some really embarrassing songs that we might find on your mp3 player?
Andre: I have no embarrassing songs on my mp3.
Exposed Vocals: If you were given half a million dollars and a year off, what would you do? How would you spend it?
Andre: If I was given half a million dollars at this moment, there would be no year off for me. I would invest more into my music career to open up more doors and avenues as well as securing my family future.
Exposed Vocals: Any planned studio upgrades? What are you working with now?
Andre: As of right now the only upgrades I’m thinking of is a drumset to add a more acustic feel for certain tracks and turntables. I’m currently working with protools HD 10 with avid icon 24.Exposed Vocals: How do you find ways to promote your music? What works best for you?
Andre: Taking advantage of the social media platform and radioairplay that plays independent artists music, and what ever doors I can get through. As of right now I would say social media is the best because you have access to reach as many people as you can.
Exposed Vocals: If you could perform anywhere and with any artists (Dead or Alive) where and who would it be with? Why?
Andre: If I had to choose I would have Notorious B. I.G ,Kanye West, and The L O X all in Brooklyn at the barcelys center . These guys and many more showed me that we could all come from nothing and make a difference, I could relate. Performing in my home town and that big stage with those artists would be epic for me.Exposed Vocals: So, what’s next? Any new upcoming projects that you want to talk about?
Andre: I have another single that I will be releasing and shooting a video for . I’m currentlly working on a new project set to be ready by summer 2015 or early fall the latest , so be on the look out for that.Exposed Vocals: If you weren’t making music, what would you be doing?
Andre: If I wasn’t making music I don’t know what I would be doing to be honest.Exposed Vocals: Do you remember buying your first album? Who was it? What was going through your head?
Andre: My first album I could remember buying as a kid I would say is notorious B I G ,and going through my head I was thinking that anything is possible and it doesn’t matter if you from the bottom, thinking big is not far fetched.Exposed Vocals: How do you juggle the rest of your responsibilities while trying to stay ahead in your music life?
Andre: Finding balance and having a great support system which allows me to focus on the bigger picture is how I keep ahead.
Exposed Vocals: What should fans look forward to in 2015?
Andre: Fans should be on the look out for new music and promoters in your city booking me at a venue near you.
‘All About that Dollar was played on 92.7 FM in Canada
‘All About that Dollar’ was also played on Kiss 104.7 FM