Exposed Vocals just caught an exclusive with B’Anka
Exposed Vocals: How did you hear about Exposed Vocals? What made you decide to sign up?
B’Anka: I first found out about ‘Exposed Vocals’ through Twitter. I realized that I wanted to sign up because the establishment seemed credible. The movement within ‘Exposed Vocals’, I believe, could really take my music & Artistry to the next level.
Exposed Vocals: So tell us your story. Where did you grow up? What made you decide to become an artist?
B’Anka: I was born in Long Beach, CA, raised in Orange County. I was inspired to pursue music in part thanks to my grandmother who was and is still, heavily invested in the church choir. I joined the choir at a young age, wasn’t too serious about music then because I was young and didn’t know the rewards that music brings from within. Fast forward some years and my mother thought it would be a good idea to audition for a performing arts school, OCHSA, in which I did I ended up unexpectedly being accepted to. Once I was accepted for Musical Theatre, I was definitely into the arts and all it had to offer for the long haul. I got my first role as a freshman with all seniors in the musical Chicago, and from then on I knew that performing, singing and dancing was something I wanted for life. I realized that performing – singing could inspire people around you emotionally, whether they were singers or not. The rest is somewhat history, I graduated college majoring in music, went on to be in girl groups (that weren’t very successful), play instruments, dance and song write on a constant basis. I love music, it comes from my heart and its something that allows me to relate to others and ultimately, be an outlet to my life.
Exposed Vocals: How did you come up with that name? What was your inspiration behind it?
B’Anka: B’Anka, it’s pronounced Bianca, and it’s simply the name on my birth certificate J I just wanted to be myself, my name is creative enough (thanks mom).
Exposed Vocals: What do you think about online music sharing? Do you ever give your music away for free? Why?
B’Anka: I believe online music sharing is useful. Artists don’t have too much of a choice with today’s technological advances. I don’t mind giving music for free though, especially with my position, trying to gain more exposure and obtain a solid following. People have to understand though, just like doctors, lawyers and teachers, we as Artists want to be paid for our work eventually. Nothing in life is free 24/7 and name one person that can live without music?
Exposed Vocals: Since everyone was a start-up once, can you give any smaller or local bands or artists looking to get gigs and airplay some tips?
B’Anka: I am still up and coming so I would advise that every day, every minute be spent doing what you love, which In this case would be music. You not only need to be driven, but breathe it and live it. The most important thing, is the music, so once you have enough great material, get out there! Network, network, network! You have to book yourself, sometimes you even have to pay to play, but after some sacrifices and some connections, a way will be paved. I’m still grinding so I can’t give you advice on how to be successful in he music industry (overall), however I’m humbled.
Exposed Vocals: Do you ever make mistakes during performances? How do you handle that?
B’Anka: Of course I make mistakes during performances! I am human, but one of the things I learned long ago, is to KEEP GOING! If you mess up during a performance, keep going, improvise, and pick up where you can! Main thing is to never stop, a great Artist / Performer never stops. As a human, we make mistakes so I try not to be too hard on myself but it can be a little nerve wrecking to mess up in front of an audience. One has to be mentally prepared and willing to be a tad embarrassed but you still have to keep going and own it.
Exposed Vocals: Do you tour? Anything interesting happen on tour that you think our readers would enjoy hearing about?
B’Anka: I have not been on tour but if anyone is looking for artists, I’m willing & able! J
Exposed Vocals: Where do you usually gather songwriting inspiration? What is your usual songwriting process?
B’Anka: I gather songwriting inspiration from many things: life, experiences, emotion and feeling, people. Pretty much anything I can relate to that I’m feeling or have been feeling, I write about. I started writing at a very young age whether it was in a journal, a song, a poem or a short story, I was writing. My mom gave me journals at a young tender age and I loved literature. My songwriting process varies – I love to write alone sometimes and take time to feel everything out but I also love collaborating with people. It really depends on how I feel. Same goes for the composition aspect of music, I like to be apart of the production process – sometimes from beginning to end, sometimes creating chords and passing it to a producer for recreating. It really just depends…
Exposed Vocals: Do you have a band website? What online platforms do you use to share your music?
B’Anka: Yes, I have a website. It truly needs to be revamped however, there is content available on it (www.BestofBDenae.com). Creating a website can be hard, well for myself, because whether I pay for it to be done or I’m creating a rough to build from, I like to be involved. Graphics aren’t really my forte so I dictate. Lol.
Exposed Vocals: What are some really embarrassing songs that we might find on your mp3 player?
B’Anka: Hmmm…. Some really embarrassing songs that you may find in my mp3 player are none. I think that’s opinion right? Depends on what genre you listen to because I have anything from Janice Joplin to Future in my mp3 player. I’d say I’m pretty eclectic. Wait, maybe Spice Girls? Lol.
Exposed Vocals: If you were given half a million dollars and a year off, what would you do? How would you spend it?
B’Anka: If I were given a half a million dollars and a year off, I would definitely NOT be taking a year off. That would probably be the year I got worked the most! I would get to work with all my goals & strategic endeavors, in which I cannot tell! A lady genius never tells all their secrets…
Exposed Vocals: Any planned studio upgrades? What are you working with now?
B’Anka: I go to various recording studios. I used to record myself however, it gets a little tedious, so I like to pick and choose my people and get to work in a nice comfortable environment.
Exposed Vocals: If you could perform anywhere and with any artists (Dead or Alive) where and who would it be with? Why?
B’Anka: If I could perform with any Artist, dead or alive, I would go with a few, J. Cole, MJ, Prince, and probably John Legend. There are plenty more but that’s enough…
Exposed Vocals: So, what’s next? Any new upcoming projects that you want to talk about?
B’Anka: Next is, trying to find the right deals, staying around the right people. Also, stay tuned for more good music. I am working on releasing my EP, of course an album, visuals and much more.
Exposed Vocals: If you weren’t making music, what would you be doing?
B’Anka: If I wasn’t making music I have no idea what I would be doing, probably teaching it. I have no clue.
Exposed Vocals: Do you remember buying your first album? Who was it? What was going through your head?
B’Anka: My first album bought, that I can remember, was Jay Z’s edited version of Hard Knock Life (volume 2).
Exposed Vocals: How do you juggle the rest of your responsibilities while trying to stay ahead in your music life?
B’Anka: Man, God! Seriously, it’s challenging but I just keep my eye on the prize, stay humbled and keep working! You can only get somewhere in life because you don’t give up, so here I am! …. & we won’t stop (like Diddy)!
Exposed Vocals: What should fans look forward to in 2016?
B’Anka: Look forward to myself, B’Anka, in 2016! J More good music, more content, more exposure, just more B.