We sat down to find out exactly who is Jessika Shaunnelle? & she asked ‘Ya Down With OPT?!’
Jessika Shaunnelle.The Optimist Farmer. Cosmic Lovie. Sage. Heartist of Soular Sow and Soular Crow. Chief Conductor of Soular Serve Us…
This calling first; instruction for Jessika and her own free will.
She is, it is; through sage and disciple, an interchangeable, polymath, culture hub cultivating hopeful living through matter, spirit, and soul. Allowing our unique dignity of choice to sow and reap through our unique physical, individual existence, our unique existence in the communities we hold and our unique connections to a will to live. (“Free. Will. Work”.)
Her mother transitioned at age 36, Jessika 4. Set with land, family and a name crafted so sacred and thorough, “Jessi” would always be with possibility.
Her mother given calling, Jessika Shaunnelle Johnson.
What called back:
“Jessika”- The female/being form of Hezekiah, whichs means to “wonder, to question, to seek”
Her mother spelled her name with a “K” crafting a hard “KAH” sound. This sound means “spirit”.
“Shaunnelle” is combination of “Shaun” and “Mozelle”. The names of her brother and her mother.
“Shaun”- God/Love’s gracious gift.
“Mozelle”- To come from water.
Lastly is “Johnson”, a common name but in this case sown into sacred ground, now called Optimist Farm Rd.
“Johnson”- Descandant of “John the Baptist” Christian image originated from Orisha “Xango” known for his fire, strong hand in justice and talent through craft.
(Ask her how deeeeeeep all this sows into the dirt!)
All together “Jessika Shaunnelle Johnson” gives permission to her being and all that comes with a wondering, questioning, seeking spirit. The recognition of, allows her as a gracious gift from Love “to bring up the well(ness) in the water by gracious Xango Baptism”. NO matter where she goes her bare feet always calling back to her family’s holy ground, now sown 6 generations deep. She the 5th, and witness to the 6th born and raised on “OPT”. (Literally on the road.)
The rest of the name she gifted herself; a calling that reflects the cosmic expansion and constant craft and flow within her being. Allowing freedom of spirit through what she calls “Soular Crow” (sound) and “Soular Sow”(color). She is grateful, and wonderfully sage and disciple of lifetimes of instruction to cultivate hope, to sow and reap through who we’ve been, who we are currently, and who we call ourselves to be in the forward. Holding as a strong, protected, vibrant conductor for herself and for other folk who make it ritual to connect who and how we are, to practice our entitlement to it, to commission and exploit our own genius. To sow and reap from our own “Free.Will.Work”. To sow and reap our most “HEAL.THY:WELL.THY” self. Honoring matter/body/physical. Honoring spirit; our connection to the communities we serve. Honoring our soul; our connection to the will to live.
I am Jessika Shaunnelle, ‘The Optimist Farmer”
But I will ALWAYS answer as “Jessi”.