Exposed Vocals Interviews Tippa
Exposed Vocals: How did you hear about Exposed Vocals? What made you decide to sign up?
Tippa: I heard about Exposed Vocals through Twitter. I decided to sign up because it was an opportunity to make something of myself and hopefully the start of a new and better life for my family.
Exposed Vocals: So tell us your story. Where did you grow up? What made you decide to become an artist?
Tippa: I’m from East Over, North Carolina. I decided to become an artist because I saw a positive way to express myself rather than lashing out with anger and aggression.
Exposed Vocals: How did you come up with that name? What was your inspiration behind it?
Tippa: Actually, the name “Tippa” was given to me one day I was at the gym playing basketball I had just dyed my hair and this man had said it looked like a q-tip and the guy tweaked it a little and turned it into “Tippa”
Exposed Vocals: What do you think about online music sharing? Do you ever give your music away for free? Why?
Tippa: Online music sharing is good exposure for myself and anyone else as well. Yes, I’ve given it away for free because even though it would be nice to have money my passion for the music over powers that and hopefully one day the right person can hear my music and I’m either famous or have inspired another life.
Exposed Vocals: Since everyone was a start-up once, can you give any smaller or local bands or artists looking to get gigs and airplay some tips?
Tippa: I would tell them to keep their faith in God, work hard, and dedication has to been there because when times get tough it’ll only make you want to keep going and push yourself more than the day before.
Exposed Vocals: Do you ever make mistakes during performances? How do you handle that?
Tippa: Yes, I do make mistakes from time to time and I handle them by continuing like nothing happened and keep my audience happy.
Exposed Vocals: Do you tour? Anything interesting happen on tour that you think our readers would enjoy hearing about?
Tippa: No, I don’t tour but I’d like to one day.
Exposed Vocals: Where do you usually gather songwriting inspiration? What is your usual songwriting process?
Tippa: I usually gather my inspiration from life situations and day to day struggles that my family, friend, and I face. My usual songwriting process is listen to a beat, process my thoughts, and just let everything flow naturally.
Exposed Vocals: Do you have a band website? What online platforms do you use to share your music?
Tippa: Yes we have a website but it for clothing but the online platforms I use to promote my music is Twitter, SoundCloud, Instagram, Tumblr, and DatPiff.
Exposed Vocals: What are some really embarrassing songs that we might find on your mp3 player?
Tippa: I sometimes listen to Billy Ray Cyrus
Exposed Vocals: If you were given half a million dollars and a year off, what would you do? How would you spend it?
Tippa: If I was given half a million dollars and a year off I would first give back to my community by getting a Recreation Center for the youth kids that are in the streets or coming from bad homes. Then take a slight vacation for a little break from everything.
Exposed Vocals: Any planned studio upgrades? What are you working with now?
Tippa: My upgrade studio plans would be getting new equipment and hopefully get one of my own. Now I’m working with Logic X.
Exposed Vocals: How do you find ways to promote your music? What works best for you?
Tippa: I usually promote my music through social media but what really works best for me is face-to-face communication and self promotion that way people know I’m serious about what I do, then at the same time social media has helped me out a lot as well.
Exposed Vocals: If you could perform anywhere and with any artists (Dead or Alive) where and who would it be with? Why?
Tippa: If I could perform with Tupac Shakur and Stevie Wonder because they both took their own way and didn’t care about what the next person said or thought.
Exposed Vocals: So, what’s next? Any new upcoming projects that you want to talk about?
Tippa: I will be soon dropping my first mixtape called “Tipp World”
Exposed Vocals: If you weren’t making music, what would you be doing?
Tippa: If I wasn’t making music I would probably be out fighting and causing trouble but with the help of music I found a more positive way to release negative energy and keep my heed straight.
Exposed Vocals: Do you remember buying your first album? Who was it? What was going through your head?
Tippa: Yes, it was a Jay-Z album and I had a lot of mixed emotions such as excitement and anticipation because he’s a big inspiration to me and in my eyes paved a way for new upcoming hip-hop
Exposed Vocals: How do you juggle the rest of your responsibilities while trying to stay ahead in your music life?
Tippa: Juggling life responsibilities and handling my music isn’t easy but with self-organization and keeping my dedication alive I seem to manage.
Exposed Vocals: What should fans look forward to in 2015?
Tippa: A group mixtape as well as a mixtape with just me and more music videos.