Dark Chapel – Corpse Flower (Official Music Video)
The Official Music Video for Dark Chapel “Corpse Flower”
Stream Now: https://darkchapel.ffm.to/spiritintheglass
Directed By: Justin H. Reich (Three Thirty-three Creative)
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Corpse flower
My rose of death
April showers
Drown all the rest
Acrid halo
Sepulchered in
Ashes of thorns and sin
Mourning angel
Bereft of light
Dusted with diamond blight
Corpse Flower
Grave keeper
Enchanting dread
Bloodline seeker
Soul fountain head
Acrid halo
Sepulchered in
Ashes of thorns and sin
Mourning angel
Bereft of light
Dusted with diamond blight
Corpse Flower
My all to you
Altar of truth
Corpse Flower
My all to you
#DarkChapel #corpseflower #BlackLabelSociety #spiritintheglass