Baby Can’t Be Helped (Official Lyric Video)
Stephen Jaymes, the folk-punk hero intent on saving the human race, has released a new single that describes the part of the human brain that refuses help. Even when it knows the help is genuine. There’s a part of the brain that still refuses help even after the rest of our brain has accepted that it’s real.
Stephen has named that part of the human brain ‘Baby,’ and he has noticed that Baby prefers suffering over healing, and Baby doesn’t care if you have to suffer right along with Baby.
The song is called BABY CAN’T BE HELPED. On the cover, Stephen is seen in a baby outfit, his mohawk peaking through the baby bonnet on his head, a baby bottle in one hand, his body engaged in what looks like an absolute tantrum.
After asking the world if last summer was, in fact, the Last Predictable Summer (it was), Stephen is now asking the world, are we in the hands of Baby? Does the Baby who can’t be helped, who refuses even the smartest answers and the clearest paths forward, have a stranglehold on our future?
A lot of people feel this way right now, especially after a brutal January delivered too much bad news for the future of the planet. Stephen Jaymes can hear their cry, and he wants them to know that he sees Baby too, and he wants us to turn that part of our brain off as best we can. BABY CAN’T BE HELPED is part of a bigger message Stephen is bringing to the world that he calls #VISION2025. It’s a response to that other plan that starts in 2025, and it’s much more sustainable and peaceful and human-centered.
Stephen really believes the human nervous system has been designed to experience the ultimate high. The high that bests all other highs. It beats every drug, and every wonderful natural drug we can think of, from the high of romance to the high of parenthood to the high of ultimate personal achievement. He believes that when we all turn our consciousness now, when the planet is collapsing into actual throes of dying, to the idea of making every individual on the planet healthy and safe, we will experience a permanent, renewable, world-changing high that is worth going for just because it will feel so good.
The greatest high the human nervous system can possibly achieve is called peace on Earth, and Stephen Jaymes believes that one or two billionaires out there will realize, hungrily, that they want this feeling. Stephen is on a mission for the rest of us to show them what that’s like, and he’s beginning to draw in real followers with his sincere, science-baed, hopeful message.
BABY CAN’T BE HELPED is a folk-punk analysis of the force we are temporarily ruled by, here now in the real swing of the Sixth Extinction. The force we have to face and overcome, just as Harry did Voldemort, and Luke did Vader before him, and with all the same minimal mathematical probabilities their stories convey.
The song opens with a heavy rock chord progression played in a gentle way, perfectly preparing us for this Baby side of the human personality. We hear a raging storm that can’t quite make the noise it wants to because…it’s a baby. Stephen’s voice joins the jam with an assured, relaxed delivery that conveys the head-shaking concern of a doctor trying to be helpful and failing.
In the choruses, BABY CAN’T BE HELPED takes a nice bluesy turn that builds up chord change upon chord change, delivering the hope and aspiration of a great urge to help with a breakthrough, only to fall back into the realization that, yes, this does indeed seem like a pointless effort.
But pointlessness is not the message. Stephen is telling you to gear up for battle. Go to battle with this pointlessness, this Baby who refuses all good answers. Notice it, recognize it, fight it, and fight it with a plan.
Having pointed a wry finger at the Baby part of the human experience that helps explain what we are dealing with, Stephen Jaymes marches on with VISION2025, offering real hope in the face of the global menace that is…the BABY who CAN’T BE HELPED.